Tuesday 16 November 2021

 Dear Friends,

                       I am writing this blog after a long gap of many months altogether. This is because I am involved in many research projects apart from performing my regular duties as an State Epidemiologist. I just wish to share a good news with you all that we have prepared an herbal spray to be sprayed at the snakebite site and this has shown initial good results with 13 people who were bitten by mostly Russell's Viper and some by Saw Scale Viper and Cobra.

We are hopeful that in coming days people bitten by snakes need not to loose their limbs due to amputation or skin grafting as was the case till now. 

Let me explain, earlier despite timely anti snake venom administration there was swelling, blistering and sloughing of muscles of the bitten part leading to either skin grafting or in case of necrosis limb needed to be amputated.

With use of this herbal spray none developed sloughing of muscles and none required skin grafting or amputation.

Once we succeed,  our vision is to keep this spray at sub center level for use immediately after snakebite to save limbs and lives before patient is referred to nearby hospital.

May Goddess Jawalaji Bless us with the success of this herbal spray !

Thanks all.


Saturday 3 July 2021

Here is my TEDx Talk on low cost solutions to Rabid dogbite that was later recommended by WHO globally

Dear Friends,

                      Here is my TEDx Talk on low cost solutions to Rabid dogbite that was later recommended by WHO globally;



Thursday 14 November 2019

सर्पदंश के सस्ते इलाज पर शोध करेंगे हिमाचल के डॉ. भारती, रेबीज की रोकथाम पर खोजा है सबसे सस्ता इलाज


स्नेक बाइट से पूरे देश भर में हर साल लगभग 50 हजार लोगों की मौत हो जाती है. अब हिमाचल प्रदेश से संबंध रखने वाले डॉ. उमेश भारती केरला के डॉक्टर जयदीप मेनन के साथ मिलकर सर्प दंश से होने वाली मौतों की रोकथाम और लोगों को इसके सस्ते इलाज के लिए शोध करना शुरू करेंगे. शोध के लिए आईसीएमआर से मंजूरी मिल चुकी है.
डॉक्टर उमेश भारती ने कहा कि देश के 9 राज्यों में 30 सहायक शोधकर्ता इसमें शामिल होंगे. करीब 7 करोड़ की जनसंख्या को शोध में कवर किया जाएगा और सांप के काटने से होने वाली करीब 5 हजार मौतों का अध्ययन किया जाएगा. यह पहली बार होगा जब देश में सांप के काटने से होने वाली मौतों का सही आंकड़ा देश के सामने आएगा. इसके अलावा सर्पदंश का शिकार होने के बाद लोगों पर पड़ने वाले आर्थिक बोझ के अध्ययन के आंकड़ों को भी पहली बार देश के सामने रखा जाएगा. यह शोध केरल, हिमाचल प्रदेश, तमिलनाडु, महाराष्ट्र, ओडिशा, पश्चिम बंगाल, राजस्थान, आंध्रा प्रदेश और मिजोरम में किया जाएगा.
बता दें कि डॉ. उमेश भारती इससे पहले एंटी रेबीज वैक्सीन पर काम कर चुके हैं. शोध में उन्होंने एक एंटी रेबीज सीरम इजाद किया. इस सीरम को WHO ने मान्यता दी है. पहले रेबिज का इलाज महंगा और पीड़ादायक होता था. रेबीज की रोकथाम से बचने के लिए पहले 35 हजार रुपए तक खर्च करना पड़ता था, लेकिन अब डॉ. उमेश के इजाद किए गए सीरम से इलाज का खर्च मात्र 350 रुपए के करीब खर्च आता है और ये पीड़ादयक भी नहीं है. हिमाचल में रेबिज का मुफ्त इलाज भी इसी कारण संभव हो पाया है. इस खोज के लिए उन्हें पद्मश्री से सम्मानित किया गया था. 

Monday 11 March 2019

Epidemiology as tool to bring in low cost medical solutions

1. What is the difference between Clinical Epidemiology and Field Epidemiology?

Ans: Field Epidemiology deals with processes of identifying impeding public health emergency and implementing series of interventions to lessen or prevent further spread of likely public health emergency e.g. impending outbreak of an infectious disease or impending threat of spread of non infectious disease like Thalassemia, cancer etc. Field Epidemiology helps us to generate new evidence for decision making based on data analysis and therefore helps us prevent an impending outbreak or disease at its initial stages.
Clinical Epidemiology deals with patients to improve patient related health outcomes primarily through research and lab support.

2. Can you please elaborate on the importance of Clinical Epidemiology' in medicine?

Ans:  My recent work whereas WHO changed global guidelines on Rabies immunoglobulin (RIG) administration is a clinical work done in a clinic in a situation when RIG was not available and some of the patients died for want of RIG. This is a classic example of clinical epidemiology and how can it help change global guidelines working in a single clinic in times of non availability of a emergency life saving medicine, RIG.
3. How does digital connect improve the quality of evidence available?

Ans: Digital connect nowadays is playing an important role as we can search literature and use online data analysis tools, mostly free of cost. Also digital platforms are important fora for sharing knowledge and exchange research findings and make new collaborations across nations.

4. In the future, how will clinical epidemiology play a critical role in the management of diseases?

Ans; As explained above clinical epidemiology focuses on patient related research and can answer many queries  like how to make a particular therapy cheaper, less painful and at low cost. Clinical Epidemiology can also help us think ways to prevent disease and promote health. Also it can help us find markers of disease to detect a disease in its early stages for appropriate action.

5. Any key message you would like to share ?

Ans:  Prevention is better than cure and this message need to translate in our behaviour and in the behaviour of our patients. This would need constant practice and sustained counselling of our patients to bring in behaviour change in prevention of diseases e.g. diet control and exercise to prevent diabetes or sustained counselling to quit smoking etc.

Thanks and regards,

Dr. Omesh Kumar Bharti

Sunday 25 February 2018

Low cost solution of rabid dog bites is here now

Dear Friends,
                    I am here after a long time as I was busy with the research I promised you all i.e. low cost solution to save lives of humans and Animals bitten by rabid dogs and rabid animals. After years of painstaking research and spending loads of money, the battle has been won.
We used intradermal rabies vaccine and local wound infiltration of equine rabies immunoglobulins both in Humans and animals bitten by rabid dogs and all survived. This costs five times less than intramuscular rabies vaccine alone, as practice conventionally. Here are some of the web links for  more details:





Enjoy reading the hard work for the benefit of Humanity and costly domestic cows, buffaloes etc.

Omesh bharti, Shimla, Himachal, India

Saturday 14 November 2015

Soon a low cost solution to save animals bitten by rabid dogs in the offing soon

Dear Friends,
                     We are soon going to start experiments to save animals from death due to rabies after being bitten by rabid dogs and mongoose. This would help save the lives of helpless animals usually cows and buffaloes and also save the rural farmers from debt trap.

please wish us good luck for these experiments to be started next year and let me come back to you later next year with results, hopefully positive !

Good Bye

Omesh Bharti